Ultrasonography is a procedure which offers computer-generated images internal organs, detailed and accurate. Ultrasound plays an important role during pregnancy, because it allows to follow the development of the fetus. A pregnant woman must undergo ultrasound during the various stages of pregnancy. Ultrasonic level 2 is especially important because it is more detailed and comprehensive in nature. Let us know in detail the pregnancy from ultrasound level 2 and how it differs from level 1.
Level 1, level 2 vs ultrasound
Prenatal ultrasound images of level 1 is rendered at the beginning of pregnancy, at the beginning of the first quarter to be precise. Therefore, images acquired from Sonograms are detailed as one would. Since then, the foetus is in the early stages of development, it is impossible to estimate its development training. On the other hand, ultrasonic level 2 is performed during the second quarter, when were developed most vital organs. At this stage, you can detect any developmental anomaly of the fetus. In rare cases, the ultrasonic level 1 may choose some anomalies then confirmed and diagnosed with ultrasonic level 2.
What is a level 2 ultrasound
As mentioned highest level 2 ultrasound in pregnancy is a detailed analysis of a developing fetus. In this procedure, we check the various important factors for the development of the child. Amniotic fluid Level is measured to ensure that your child is repaid. In addition, the position of the placenta and umbilical cord length are also determined. The procedure also requires to make detailed pictures of the child so that gestational age can be verified. Your child is measured from head and down to ensure that development is consistent with gestational age. The study also reveals the sex of a child, so if you want to have an arrival in surprise, you should inform the ultrasound technician in advance.
Procedure of ultrasonic level 2
Procedure level ultrasonic 2 runs on an external database in hospitals or in the Office of private sonographer. Level 2 ultrasound it costs around $ 200 in a Sonographer registered. The whole procedure can be completed in less than half an hour with immediate results. The woman is lying on his back and a warm gel is applied in its belly. A transducer is then moved abdomen reveals images on the computer screen. The transducer emits sound waves that bounce when they hit solid structures in the abdomen. These solid structures are nothing but a small cute baby bodies. Technician adjusts the position of the transducer to obtain images more complete.
Importance of ultrasonic level 2
Every pregnant woman should go for an ultrasound of level 2. However, it becomes essential in certain circumstances. If the woman is more than 35 years, there's a strong possibility that the child can be born with certain birth defects. These defects can be detected by a ultrasound of level 2. Also, if a family history of genetic disorders, ultrasonography level 2 is a must. Ultrasonic Level 2 can detect a range of physical and genetic abnormalities including down, Trisomy 18, heart of trisomy 13 syndrome defects etc. If the possibility of genetic anomaly is detected on ultrasound, is scheduled to meet with a genetic specialist to assist parents with adequate prenatal care. Minor Defects can be corrected by medical drugs. Know in advance of these conditions allows that the doctor is to prepare for the delivery of a child who may require intensive care soon after birth.
Thus, the ultrasonic level 2 is one important pregnancy diagnostic tool. More often otherwise prove to be the normal development of your child. In rare cases, the news can be devastating, but then you'll be less well equipped to host your child with special needs.
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