Friday, April 16, 2010

(A) H1N1 flu symptoms or (swine flu)

Dr. Mary Young, medical assistant, explains Professor At H1N1 influenza (swine flu), its symptoms and steps that can be taken to prevent contractors or

spread of the virus.

01 is a flu H1N1 virus?-01 min 32 sec
02 Symptoms-01 min 56 s
03 Avoiding H1N1 min 00 56 s
Vaccination 04/medicine-01 min 38 s
05 Gravity-01 03 min sec
06 Avoid pork?-00 min 34 s

Mary young-Dr. Mary young is Professor Assistant medicine in the Division of infectious diseases at Georgetown University Medical Center. Elle is also

Women with HIV program director and member of the Centre for the study of differences in health, aging of sex and maladies. Elle is an expert of infectious

diseases, AIDS and various treatments for infectious diseases. It is the site of primary n.i.h. researcher funded by donna intra-Agency HIV

Studio (WIHS), which is a longitudinal study of women infected with HIV. Elle is also one of the Presidents of institutional Georgetown University Hospital

Review Board (IRB), provides advice and leadership on or presentations of Protocol and helps to strengthen compliance with the requirements or local.

Duration: 0: 2: 8.

Technorati Tags: A H1N1 influenza, swine influenza, symptomsTopics: Tag · symptoms of swine flu H1N1 influenza: To swine flu symptoms, leave a comment.

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"The new symptoms of swine flu virus couses dead!".

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The symptoms of swine flu or false

Watch a simple explanation behind the swine flu, you will receive from Milton Friedman.

It was mainly composed of diverting attention from things what we should be more interested and is very handy for throwing billions of dollars of tax dollars to pharmaceutiques. Plus notably excuse, Baxter Incorporated means false billions of dollars of this pandemic.

Read this if you don't believe me.,0,3579388.story

For more information about how reliable Baxter is reading this article. – Science/Science/Virus-mix-up-by-lab-could-have-resulted in Pandemic/CMS ArticlesHow/4230882.

Canadian public News also covers the same story.

Now the Wall Street Journal reports even he does not start in Mexican company

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Swine influenza is feared to have spread in New Zealand

Students and teachers College of Auckland Rangitoto Island are tested for swine flu
Sunday, April 26, 2009 6: 06 pm.

A group of 25 staff and students of the University of Rangitoto Island on the coast of the North Auckland is being tested for swine flu is deadly after returning from a trip to Mexico.

Eighteen people five group of 25 staff and students reported influence of Auckland health are responsible for checking whether the strain of swine influenza.

"Since we became aware of the situation we apply all our resources to investigate it and manage," says Dr. Julia Peters, regional public health service Auckland clinical Executive.

Now there are 11 confirmed cases in the United States and 10 other cases are under consideration.

The virus has reached in California, Texas, Kansas and New York and stretched up to London, where a cabin crew member British Airways was taken to hospital suffering from flu-like symptoms.

In Japan, Thermo-imagerie equipment has established at airports to pick up passengers with exceptionally high temperatures, while France has a crisis centre in operation to monitor the situation.

It is assumed that the swine flu from pigs, which are sensitive to human flu, avian influenza and its swine flu.

All three forms may change with them, replacement of genes.

The strain of swine influenza circulating now seems to have elements of all three.

Flu symptoms are fever, pain, cough, nasal congestion and sometimes diarrhea and vomiting.

Duration: 0: 5: 21.

Technorati Tags: influence, swineTopics: · symptoms of swine flu swine flu, Tag: bevanpalmer comments by 24 March 2010, at 7: 03

U know it exists? ...
U know it exists? not.

Since 24 March 2010, at 7: 03 verummossolvovos

Visit (...)
Visit the Web site (see below) and published:
The company "SIC" (causes scientifically induced)?
canadianactionpartydotnet/index.php? option

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Because at Goldman Sachs get their first catch swine influenza high-risk pregnant women, and children?

Duration: 0: 15: 14.

Technorati Tags: air, America, influenza, Goldman, Hartmann, Liberal, progressive radio, Sachs, pigs, speak, son ThomTopics: swine flu symptoms · Tags: air, America, influenza, Goldman, Hartmann, Liberal, progressive radio, Sachs, swine, speak, comments by Thom mskydolphin 24 March 2010, at 7: 03

Those who want to influence ...
Who wants a flu shot?
Not me.
My channel, see my favorites.


Since 24 March 2010, at 7: 03 markscott7777777

I'll have ...
I believe this more in depth!Only for exercise!

I would really know whether these bags more people Goldman paid fell for the propaganda! will return to you!

Since 24 March 2010, at 7: 03 UkTruthSeeker2009

You can bet that they ...
You can bet that they won't get influence tour and that he is just propaganda.
To make the sheep think hmm good if theyve had then its sound not sure not sure

Since 24 March 2010, at 7: 03 jimlaregina

No one said the ...
HAS anyone saying that the Democratic Party represents the American people? This is right, that if there are democratic thing worse is Republican.

But you can keep the two major parties covered by money .i vote independent, small-parts.

Since 24 March 2010, at 7: 03 julsHz

Comment thoughtful-...
Comment-good thoughtful presented.

Since 24 March 2010, at 7: 03 sablechicken

Goldman Sachs is. ...
Goldman Sachs may have their flu shots ... I.

Since 24 March 2010, at 7: 03 antifaith82

This is true, I ...
This is true, I forgot ... no question as bad as sound as leader of Bush, Obama will blame Obama in 8 years old! I obviously, if my information false I also ... a little perplexed

Since 24 March 2010, at 7: 03 davisracquet

Executives ...
Executives at Goldman Sachs has influence catches because President Bush has ensured ... his companions rich. wait for Republican? ... Bush is President?.... a Democrat is the Whitehouse? ... OK, so I assume that everything is OK then. (àle_cas_où_quelqu ' un_manqué_il, _ qui_était_sarcasme_sur_comment_tout_le_monde_aime_Bush_à_blâmer_pour_tout)

Since 24 March 2010, at 7: 03 agitcam

The answer is that ...
The answer is that people who are simply more important than anyone else, including women and children enceintes. Votre Thom fundamental problem is that you refuse to accept that rich people are worth more and VIPs who need to be rich tomorrow as they are today, the work of Goldman Sachs and Wall Street everyday .they are people who are on aircraft with no problem, that does not have to pay all fees and would naturally helps doctors before the United States "is not enough even if capitalism, Ah, Ah.

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"How long the symptoms of swine flu last if left untreated?".

Monday, April 12, 2010

How long the symptoms of swine flu finally if left untreated?

From admin · Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Because the doctor is in course is incapable of a friend of mine wants to go unless it considers that it should really vraiment. Oui I know that you should anyway, but otherwise that is a person completely healthy, then as since then symptoms will last long without expensive medicine?

If you really think a swine flu, must obtain a script for tamiflu
There may be best that taken in the first 72 hours of symptoms ... sometimes you can simply call this script doctor works of Tamiflu ... serious box.

Topics: · symptoms of swine flu Tags: comments from Angelina 24 March 2010, at 1: 10 pm

If you really think a swine flu, must obtain a script for tamiflu
There may be best that taken in the first 72 hours of symptoms ... sometimes you can simply call this script doctor works of Tamiflu ... serious box.

By Darcy 24 March 2010, at 1: 49

Should be a kind of medicine also on the work of those compteur. Comme Tylenol, Robitussin, benydrill and stuff like symptoms that .left untreated doesn't help you at least should do something to handle, but does not need to see a doctor, unless you felt really bad.

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"What are the symptoms that are visible to a person who has taken the avian influenza virus?".

Sunday, April 11, 2010

What are the symptoms that are visible to a person who has taken the avian influenza virus?

From admin · Wednesday, 24 March 2010

In people, avian flu usually begins as a traditional influence with fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle aches, but the flu can cause fatal complications.

Topics: · symptoms of avian influenza Tags: comments from HisServ 24 March 2010, 1 h 08

In people, avian flu usually begins as a traditional influence with fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle aches, but the flu can cause fatal complications.

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"Learn-symptoms of swine flu?".

[Press release] ABC 7 cruise cancellations & travel in Mexico-crises H1N1 7 cruise cancellations and travel in Mexico the H1N1 viruses.

Duration: 0: 1: 8.

Technorati Tags: 04, 2009, 27, 7, ABC and cancellations, cruise, swine flu h1n1 swine flu, Mexico, swine conspiracy, swine flu, Mexico, the swine flu pandemic influenza, the symptoms of swine flu, swine flu, tripsTopics: Mexican · swine flu symptoms Tags: 04, 2009, 27, 7, ABC, cancellations, cruise, the h1n1 swine flu, Mexico, swine flu, conspiracy, Mexico swine flu, porcine swine flu pandemic influenza, the symptoms of swine flu, swine flu, travel, leave a comment

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"Symptoms of swine flu" video.

Learn-symptoms of swine flu?

From admin · Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Symptoms of swine flu

Influenza H1N1 virus In people symptoms are similar to the symptoms of seasonal influenza and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, or CAP, bodily pain, headaches, head, chills and fatigue. A lot of people have been infected by the novel H1N1 influenza viruses are reported diarrhea and vomiting. Les novel influenza H1N1 high-risk groups are not known at this time, but you can be the same seasonal influenza.

Emergency Signs

If you become ill and any of the following signs seek emergency medical care.

In children, emergency signs needing urgent medical care include:

1. Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing

2. skin color grey or blue

3. Drink enough fluids.

4. Serious or persistent vomiting

5. don't wake up or not interaction

6. Be irritable, so that the child will not be held

7. Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and cough worst

In adults, emergency signs needing urgent medical care include:

1. difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

2. the pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen

3. Sudden dizziness

4. the confusion

5. Serious or persistent vomiting

6. Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and cough worst

Nice work Dude
Take care of every1

Topics: · symptoms of swine flu Tags: comments from Matt 24 March 2010, at 1: 10 pm

influenza is that the influence is dropping influence. don't for swine flu media hype. approximately 30,000 people die every year of swine flu régulier. the flu is no different, it is simply another strain to add hundreds of current influenza strains.

From surelycoolgirl 24 March 2010, at 1: 47

What is the question? most people already know the symptoms of swine flu.

From wicked_shubhu 24 March 2010, at 2 pm.

Nice work Dude
Take care of every1

From maxmanapple 24 March 2010, at 2: 26

1. difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
2. the pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
3. Sudden dizziness

those who seem serious symptoms of smog

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"Because they target children and young adults have swine flu?".

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Expert answers to the questions parents H1N1 swine influenza (flu)

Dr. Danielle Zerr and Dr. Janet Englund answers questions parents have about H1N1 swine influenza (flu) and the new vaccine.

Duration: 0: 6: 40 am.

Technorati Tags: enfants et la grippe, enfants et H1N1, enfants et grippe, enfants et swine flu, coup de grippe, vaccination de la grippe, Gesundheit klären zwischenfälle bei contre la grippe, H1N1 swine h1n1, la grippe (swine flu h1n1 swine shot), h1n1 swine vaccination, Gesundheit klären zwischenfälle bei contre la grippe de h1n1, grippe h1n1, enfants et la grippe, enfants et grippe h1n1, enfants et grippe, enfants et swine flu, la grippe porcine swine flu shot, swine flu vaccination, Gesundheit klären zwischenfälle bei de la grippe swine, porc InfluenzaTopics: enfants de symptômes de la grippe swine · Tags: enfants et la grippe, enfants et H1N1, enfants et grippe, enfants et swine flu, coup de grippe, vaccination de la grippe, Gesundheit klären zwischenfälle bei contre la grippe, H1N1 swine h1n1, la grippe (swine flu h1n1 swine shot), h1n1 swine vaccination, Gesundheit klären zwischenfälle bei contre la grippe de h1n1, grippe h1n1, enfants et la grippe, enfants et grippe h1n1, enfants et grippe, enfants et swine flu, la grippe porcine swine flu shot, swine flu vaccination, Gesundheit klären zwischenfälle bei de la grippe porcine swine flu commentaires par BCCButters711 21 mars 2010, à 5 h 08

Some vaccines are ...
Some vaccines are good and meaningful to get, but not the vaccine against avian flu viruses came to mutate porcine. often Dès (ago), the vaccine is totally unnecessary. It is better to build the immune system, naturally with good vitamins, minerals and other supplements in advanced beyone antioxidant GDR doses, but under the UL.

From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 jbonethug99 08

blah blah blah ...
blah blah blah, propaganda to constrain sheeple people to take a vaccine that is killing more than it permet. have experts that they should know that the real truth, unless they are supressing, which is évident. The has some combinations of the current law against baxter and their poor h1n1, Ukraine vaccines, have obtained the fever tha but isnt Western media which bag of ils. dans r lettin this virus is 2-3 months will change because of this vaccine. Wake up people, ur fool all courses!

From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 AwisemanisStrong 08

Do not take the ...
Do not take the swine flu vaccine-it is toxic-part of the agenda of the NWO DEPOPULATION-see NWO solution on YouTube

From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 AwisemanisStrong 08

Does not associate ...
Don't associate with those granted to the change! DOL is the poorly .where to conceive the spirit of the Lord, there is no freedom!Don't be afraid to sudden terror, nor evil whne evil, is, for the Lord will be your trust and will be the foot to be caught-proverbs keeo
FEAR of passage, pray for your enemy-Jesus

From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 bridgesucks17 08

Vaccines are ...
Vaccines are GENOCIDE!

The swine flu vaccine may kill not all, but who is spared turn GAY and cannot play!This is the new world order attempts to depopulate the world!a generation from now, no one will be left behind!

Stop the flu vaccine Hitler's Nazi Fascist!

From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 Buanand 08

vaccinedoc: I would like to ...
vaccinedoc: I would LOVE to cancel my insurance on "health", but Obama is going to FORCE me to health insurance! Jock Doubleday offers all Dr over 250,000 if they take the same vaccs you push on innocent (Google his name to participate and to claim the 250 k). Pourquoi not subscribe to it? hypocrite!

From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 VaccineDoc 08

Those who don't ...
Those who do not allows physicians and the medical institution must cancel immediately their health care and never seek medical care.

From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 gomogi1 08

You are promoting research GÉNOCIDE. Effectuez and do not to poison our children!

Greg Evenson:
To watch?v

Because they are addressed to children and young adults have swine flu?

From admin · Wednesday, 24 March 2010

When the who clearly been not only are the symptoms of swine flu in fresh and often can go without treatment, but the most serious cases concerns the age group 30-50 years.

The very young and very old (30-50 years) is the most afraid of swine flu vulnérables. la is ridicule. Je reminds me of panic in 1976 and has nothing.

Topics: child swine flu symptoms · Tags: comments by Philip H 24 March 2010, at 12: 49

Young and old are members of the population most likely to suffer serious side effects or deadly H1N1 swine flu "th".
They are the people chosen to be the first to get filming.
Who said with Atlanta group called varience is the CDC.

By m. Duck ducky aka 24 March 2010, at 12: 55

Also is always

you do not read is your link?

Here is the statement OMS that is obviously not bother to read!

From IDA Slapter 24 March 2010, at 1: 45

They are more likely to have other diseases so that they cannot this disease that causes the vaccine on the problem of the PIN.

From not-my mistake!on 24 March 2010, 2: 18

The very young and very old (30-50 years) is the most afraid of swine flu vulnérables. la is ridicule. Je reminds me of panic in 1976 and has nothing.
Obama's not my fault!

From fairygodmother 24 March 2010, at 2: 57

People aged between 30 and 50 years is more likely in this immune faible. The went from lack of hand washing and is around to more people, then EST. Ils children travel more and that they are more open areas and then are children, and so is any of these age should remain precaution to keep your hands washed, use clorox wipes and dry before using or touching things and cover the mouth when coughing or sneezing.
Precautions are needed to help children step down in the said .it is one day at a time and patience with a pitch of caring and remain everything you do with prudence and you'll be fine.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

How long after the exposure of swine flu that I see symptoms if it were?

From admin · Sunday, 21 March 2010

Therefore, I have closely collaborated with a colleague yesterday for several hours. Today, that does not work because she was ill, went to the doctor and it turns out that swine flu. If I have taken sound when would begin to see the symptoms?What are the initial symptoms? I know that eventually I'm more obvious symptoms of influenza, but I wonder about some who could lose sight as a cough or something.

My first symptom was a Chatouille gasp, but it varies for chacun. beaucoup people had congestion, but I didn't.

Topics: · symptoms of swine flu jasmynisamazing Tag: comments from 21 March 2010, 1: 48

My first symptom was a Chatouille gasp, but it varies for chacun. beaucoup people had congestion, but I didn't.

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"What ar and symptoms of avian influenza virus?".

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Will the swine flu?

From admin · Sunday, 21 March 2010

Ummmm, which are my symptoms, Cap/nose, sneezing, cough occasional, nervousness and my throat hurt a bit.


people who have said that they have a cold and feeling poorly done low swine flu and throat.

Topics: · symptoms of swine flu Tags: comments of Vincent 21 March 2010, at 1: 38

people who have said that they have a cold and feeling poorly done low swine flu and throat.

Wild waters 21 March 2010, at 1: 57

Not. Les is unlikely, taking into account the most cases ceased, and not expected to a large house in hiver. The is just paranoïa. prendre medicines and take a day of work and rest, and you'll feel a better world.

From Zoe to 2 h 16-21 March 2010

I don't think you need only a normal so cool ...

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"you should do if you have symptoms of swine flu doctor?".

New feature: know the warning signs emergency

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New feature: other handles the symptoms of flu.

More flu mucous membranes may body. Sinus nose, ears, breasts can get stuffy. You can cause congestion pain.

Offer: acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain Decongestants (for children's cough and cold medicine 4 years they talk, pharmacists do not purchase for your type. You must) moisturizer. Do you put this machine, simplifying the patient in small water droplets (humidity) air.This additional moisture smoke. Warm towel face easily sign painTreating stomach problems

People must they also throw or loosening flights (diarrhea) and probably stomach pains flu. You must call severe stomach pain, doctor who.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week ending 8 January 2010 Update: weekly FluView maps and monitoring reports.

Flu season each week 40 years officially start. From season week 35 flu season 2009 includes - 10 official prior to viewing trends in influenza activity.

View the Original article

Monday, April 5, 2010

Week ending 4 January 2010 Update: weekly FluView maps and monitoring reports.

Flu season each week 40 years officially start. From season week 35 flu season 2009 includes - 10 official prior to viewing trends in influenza activity.

View the Original article

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week ending 30 January 2010 Update: weekly FluView maps and monitoring reports.

Flu season each week 40 years officially start. From season week 35 flu season 2009 includes - 10 official prior to viewing trends in influenza activity.

View the Original article

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Week ending 6 February 2010 Update: weekly FluView maps and monitoring reports.

Flu season each week 40 years officially start. From season week 35 flu season 2009 includes - 10 official prior to viewing trends in influenza activity.

View the Original article

Week ending February 1, 2010, update: weekly FluView maps and monitoring reports.

Flu season each week 40 years officially start. From season week 35 flu season 2009 includes - 10 official prior to viewing trends in influenza activity.

View the Original article

Friday, April 2, 2010

Week ending 20 February 2010 Update: weekly FluView maps and monitoring reports.

Flu season each week 40 years officially start. From season week 35 flu season 2009 includes - 10 official prior to viewing trends in influenza activity.

View the Original article

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Week ending 27 February 2010, update: weekly FluView maps and monitoring reports.

Flu season each week 40 years officially start. From season week 35 flu season 2009 includes - 10 official prior to viewing trends in influenza activity.

View the Original article