Dr. Danielle Zerr and Dr. Janet Englund answers questions parents have about H1N1 swine influenza (flu) and the new vaccine.
Duration: 0: 6: 40 am.
Technorati Tags: enfants et la grippe, enfants et H1N1, enfants et grippe, enfants et swine flu, coup de grippe, vaccination de la grippe, Gesundheit klären zwischenfälle bei contre la grippe, H1N1 swine h1n1, la grippe (swine flu h1n1 swine shot), h1n1 swine vaccination, Gesundheit klären zwischenfälle bei contre la grippe de h1n1, grippe h1n1, enfants et la grippe, enfants et grippe h1n1, enfants et grippe, enfants et swine flu, la grippe porcine swine flu shot, swine flu vaccination, Gesundheit klären zwischenfälle bei de la grippe swine, porc InfluenzaTopics: enfants de symptômes de la grippe swine · Tags: enfants et la grippe, enfants et H1N1, enfants et grippe, enfants et swine flu, coup de grippe, vaccination de la grippe, Gesundheit klären zwischenfälle bei contre la grippe, H1N1 swine h1n1, la grippe (swine flu h1n1 swine shot), h1n1 swine vaccination, Gesundheit klären zwischenfälle bei contre la grippe de h1n1, grippe h1n1, enfants et la grippe, enfants et grippe h1n1, enfants et grippe, enfants et swine flu, la grippe porcine swine flu shot, swine flu vaccination, Gesundheit klären zwischenfälle bei de la grippe porcine swine flu commentaires par BCCButters711 21 mars 2010, à 5 h 08
Some vaccines are ...
Some vaccines are good and meaningful to get, but not the vaccine against avian flu viruses came to mutate porcine. often Dès (ago), the vaccine is totally unnecessary. It is better to build the immune system, naturally with good vitamins, minerals and other supplements in advanced beyone antioxidant GDR doses, but under the UL.
From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 jbonethug99 08
blah blah blah ...
blah blah blah, propaganda to constrain sheeple people to take a vaccine that is killing more than it permet. have experts that they should know that the real truth, unless they are supressing, which is évident. The has some combinations of the current law against baxter and their poor h1n1, Ukraine vaccines, have obtained the fever tha but isnt Western media which bag of ils. dans r lettin this virus is 2-3 months will change because of this vaccine. Wake up people, ur fool all courses!
From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 AwisemanisStrong 08
Do not take the ...
Do not take the swine flu vaccine-it is toxic-part of the agenda of the NWO DEPOPULATION-see NWO solution on YouTube
From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 AwisemanisStrong 08
Does not associate ...
Don't associate with those granted to the change! DOL is the poorly .where to conceive the spirit of the Lord, there is no freedom!Don't be afraid to sudden terror, nor evil whne evil, is, for the Lord will be your trust and will be the foot to be caught-proverbs keeo
FEAR of passage, pray for your enemy-Jesus
From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 bridgesucks17 08
Vaccines are ...
Vaccines are GENOCIDE!
The swine flu vaccine may kill not all, but who is spared turn GAY and cannot play!This is the new world order attempts to depopulate the world!a generation from now, no one will be left behind!
Stop the flu vaccine Hitler's Nazi Fascist!
From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 Buanand 08
vaccinedoc: I would like to ...
vaccinedoc: I would LOVE to cancel my insurance on "health", but Obama is going to FORCE me to health insurance! Jock Doubleday offers all Dr over 250,000 if they take the same vaccs you push on innocent (Google his name to participate and to claim the 250 k). Pourquoi not subscribe to it? hypocrite!
From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 VaccineDoc 08
Those who don't ...
Those who do not allows physicians and the medical institution must cancel immediately their health care and never seek medical care.
From 21 March 2010, at 17: 00 gomogi1 08
You are promoting research GÉNOCIDE. Effectuez and do not to poison our children!
Greg Evenson:
To watch?v